Saturday, May 30, 2009

Plan Early for Retirement by Joining an Active Adult Retirement Community Now

Old age is like everything else. To make a success at it, you've got to start young.

.. Theodore Roosevelt.

Retirement communities are popping up all over the place like dandelions in spring. It's a trend in real estate. At 55 you can qualify for these communities referred to as active adult retirement communities and maybe you should look into it. These active adult communities offer a lot of good living. You've heard you should get started while you are young planning for your retirement and that's what Roosevelt said, too.

Retirement used to mean retiring from work -- but today more people are seeing retirement as an active time in their lives. People are living longer. When they reach 65 years, they can still look forward to at least 15 to 20 years of retirement and life expectancy is supposed to continue to grow. That is a long time so preparing early for that time of life makes sense.

Due to the things retirement communities offer you, they may even help to keep you healthier in retirement. You may be doing yourself a favor to start earlier on nutrition programs, fitness programs, cultural and social programs--all designed to help seniors stay healthier. So why wait!

There are some reasons for waiting and one of them might be if you still have younger children at home--maybe in college but still at home. However, most communities even make allowances for visiting children who are in college by allowing them to stay with their families for 3 months out of the year. Each community has different policies about this so check carefully.

By downsizing and selling your current home now, you can use your equity for your new home and other things. Also, some financial experts are saying it may be advisable to not buy your retirement home with all cash as used to be advised, due to a greater life expectancy, but to have a small mortgage. But, of course, we recommend you check this out thoroughly with a financial adviser.

If your children are grown, then buying into an active adult retirement community at an earlier age than you might originally have thought of, might afford you these outstanding benefits:

-Getting started early on a retirement plan.

-Getting started early on a Fitness program for retirement.

-Getting started early on nutritional fitness. Seniors do have special

nutritional requirements.

-You can continue to work and add to your savings.

-As your current neighborhood changes, and your old

neighborhood friends move, you will make new friends in a retirement community.

-Your easier life will free up your time for things you really want to do like travel.

-You will have less stress, more security, available clubs and activities.

Sometimes you aren't sure where you want to retire to. This shouldn't be such a problem since you can always move again. Warm weather, cold weather, being close to your kids or moving to that desirable southern town--hard decisions but life is always changing. As you change you may also change where you want to live. Statistics show that as people age they tend to move back to cities and closer to family after having lived many years somewhere else. That's okay. Check out what is right for you at that time. I hope you will look at these fabulous new active adult retirement communities popping up and probably some near you. To get started, visit my website as a way to find these properties at

Carol Fena - After many years of real estate, Carol lives in an active adult retirement community and enjoys writing articles about them for her website

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